The Pushbot
The Pushbot is a simple robot to demonstrate how strategy can get baked into a robot's design for the VRC game Spin Up.
The Pushbot is a simple robot to demonstrate how strategy can get baked into a robot's design for the VRC game Spin Up.
I designed and made 19 custom awards to give out during Supernova Spectacular, our VRC event.
I made disc holders to help run Spin Up tournaments more efficiently.
EZ-GUI is a simple-to-use VEX V5 screen GUI that intuitively keeps track of motor temperatures and allows users to select autonomous routines.
Built with Lucas Wills, Mid was an iteration of a simple robot built by 13186A to demonstrate to students iterating based on others' designs.
Inspired by the 118 Everybot, Harvard-Westlake wanted to make simple, competitive designs for the VEX Robotics Competition Spin-Up.
After I saw the success of the CAD tutorials, I decided to do the same for code. I made click-by-click tutorials on code concepts to enable students to ask specific questions instead of "How do I code the robot?".